I am very grateful that you stopped by to visit our website. My name is James and I am the Founder and one of the Owners of this small idea that we pray will set the World on fire for Jesus.
I have been told most my life that I have the gift of gab and some say I can be very funny.
I don't believe that I have some extraordinary story on how I came to know Jesus, other than I was at a point in my young adult life that I needed Him. I have been told that I don't have a very good filter on the topics I choose to discuss in public. Before becoming a Christian and after it would not be that unusual to hear me in a conversation or an argument with someone on just about any topic. Yep, I was that guy. I am still in awe that God would still want me to share His Word. It was not too long after becoming a Christian that I realized this gift of gab could be used for a higher purpose, spreading the Gospel through any way possible. So, we here at Soulution Apparel believe that this will be a great way of using today’s technology with each apparel design to achieve this goal.
It's because of our love for people and an unwavering commitment to sharing the gospel, that I believe now more than ever we have to be just as bold as the earlier church we read about in the Book of Acts. No time to compromise, for these days we are living in are truly short. We must be unashamedly fearlesswhen it comes to preaching and teaching God's truth. Any time and everywhere possible. I know that it is not so easy for many. This is why I believe this idea is God designed. It gets the Gospel out and at the same time reinforces those wearing our designs. I believe our apparel will assist with sharing the Gospel. That's what love does, reaching out to pull another out of the fire...eternal fire.
Thank you for choosing to visit and joining us in making the name of Jesus famous.